Patient Information

her MEDICAL open hours

Opening Hours

Monday 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Tuesday 7:15AM - 5:30PM

Wednesday 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Thursday 7:15AM - 5:30PM

Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Saturday 8:00AM - 1:00PM

Sunday Closed

after hours service at her MEDICAL

After Hours Service

For emergencies call 000!

An after-hours doctor is available from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM on 0468 439 990 . Please be advised, a $330.00 upfront fee applies as this service is not Bulk Billed.

Additional services (suturing, etc) are charged at the individual practitioner rate. Receipts will be issued, and claims transmitted to Medicare for reimbursement.

phone icon for patient telehealth services

Telehealth Video & Phone Consult

The fees for both video and telephone telehealth consults are the same as a face-to-face standard consultation.

Telehealth Care Plans are billed directly through Medicare and the patient does not incur an additional fee.

Patients must have had a face-to-face consultation within a previous 12-month period in order to meet the eligibility criteria for Medicare rebates. Whilst telehealth may be easier and more convenient for some, telehealth is not supported as a replacement for face-to-face consultations.

Australia Day Celebrations

Please note that the clinic will be closed Saturday January 25th
Monday January 27th

Reopening Tuesday January 28th

New Patient Registration

New Patient Registration Form

History Transfer Request Form

Consultation Fees

Our clinic does not have a standard fee schedule, as each doctor sets their own rates independently. Since the doctors are not clinic employees, please refer to their individual profiles for specific billing information. Note that specialty consultations are also billed differently from standard appointments and attract distinct fees.
A standard appointment is 15 minutes to address a single query. If you have more than one query or the matter is complex, or you are a new patient with a medical history unknown to us, you should book a long or complex appointment.
Patients who attend with long lists of queries, should expect to have these resolved over several appointments.

Out of consultation Fees Repeat Prescriptions and Specialist Referrals

Consultation Fee Medicare Rebate Out of Pocket
Prescription $20.00 $0.00 $20.00
Referral $20.00 $0.00 $20.00

More information

Procedure Fees

Her Medical consultation fees do not include procedure fees. The cost of procedures varies with the type of procedure and its complexity; when arranging a procedure, the doctor will further discuss the procedure, the estimated fees, and the out-of-pocket expense including a prepayment deposit fee applicable at the time of booking the procedure.

Deposits are required for most lengthy and complex procedure bookings and will be retained as cancellation fees for late (less than 24 hour) or failure to attend fees.

What payment methods do you offer?

Payment methods acceptable are:

  • Credit Cards (American Express excluded) and
  • Afterpay (coming soon)

Repeat prescriptions and referrals Require 4 day turn around!!!!!

Regular repeat prescriptions and referrals generally require a consultation. These can be ordered online under the following circumstances.

Patients can request a repeat prescription or ongoing specialist referral for $20.00. This service is only available to existing patients of the clinic and is at the discretion of the patient’s regular GP. Please note there is a 4-day turnaround, and pain medication, including S8 and S4 scheduled medications, will not be approved.

To be eligible, patients must have had a consultation with their regular GP in the last 6 months. Repeat medication prescriptions will be limited to a maximum of 2 months’ duration and will not be provided for medications with addictive potential.

Repeat specialist referrals are only for renewals of existing referrals that have expired. New referrals will always require a consultation. If you meet this criteria and need a repeat prescription or ongoing referral letter, please download the clinic app from the app store and place your order through the appropriate tab.

Untitled Design (7)

Recall & Reminders

Her Medical uses an electronic recall system to notify patients of significant information the doctors wish to discuss.

Referred Investigations

It is the responsibility of patients to follow up on medical tests or treatments ordered by their doctor. For continuity of care, the administration team may be instructed by the doctor to recall you to arrange an appointment to follow up on the results and recommendations. All patients are welcome to contact Her Medical for any enquiries.

Doctors have the professional responsibility to review and act upon the results of any test they request; this responsibility cannot be delegated to another practitioner. It is our policy for patients to attend for the interpretation of clinical investigations. Results not interpreted by your GP will not be forwarded to allied health or alternative practitioners.

Once your GP has reviewed the results, the recall process includes a notation from your GP of “action” or “no action” is required. Reception staff are not privy to any details and are unable to interpret results and are directed to forward “no action results” when requested by the doctors.

If Allied Healthcare is involved, they may suggest further investigations to you and will encourage you to seek a GP to order these. To prevent harm to patients, reduce medico-legal risk, meet professional obligations, and ensure the appropriate use of the Medicare Benefits Scheme, Doctors only request medical imaging and pathology tests which are “clinically indicated”.

Patients are able to request tests outside of the Medicare system, however in this situation, patients will incur the full cost of the testing. Your midwife or allied health team can assist you to organise these directly through a pathology provider.

Patients without Medicare coverage will incur separate charges for referred investigations, distinct from the billing related to consultations at Her Medical.

Translation Services

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) provide free access to phone interpreting services for your consultation.

For more information please click on the link below to visit the TIS website.

TIS Website

These resources are here to support you in accessing the most relevant and meaningful healthcare information. If you have specific needs or questions, please don’t hesitate to discuss them with your GP.

National Relay Service

The National Relay Service is a government initiative that assists patients with a hearing impairment, hard of hearing or speech-impaired persons make and receive calls to assist in their consultation.

For more information please click on the link below to visit the National Relay Service website.

National Relay Service

Patient Feedback

Her Medical actively seeks feedback. Feedback is essential to ongoing internal governance and part of a continuous improvement strategy.

Please access our feedback document through this link. The document is deidentified and completely anonymous. Your feedback is crucial for our quality improvement efforts.

If you have a compliment, complaint or improvement suggestion please email the practice manager at

If a patient feels their feedback was unresolved or prefers to consult with an independent 3rd party, please refer to the Office of the Health Ombudsman.

Contact details for the Office of the Health Ombudsman can be found at


Important Billing Information for non Medicare card holders and International Patients

Independent Pathology Services: If you do not have a Medicare card, please be aware that tests performed by independent pathology providers will incur separate charges. This includes tests such as bloods and swabs taken during your procedure.

Separation of Services: It is important to understand that these pathology providers operate independently from Her Medical. As a result, they manage their own billing and are responsible for informing patients about their fees.

We encourage all patients to familiarise themselves with these billing practices prior to making an appointment to avoid any confusion.

Wait Times

Her Medical values time management, however, due to the unpredictable nature of general practice doctors may on occasion run late. Aside from the obvious emergencies, doctors run late because patients underestimate the significance of their problem or how long the patient needs with a doctor.

Reception staff will inform patients upon arrival of any anticipated extended delays.

Culturally Appropriate Resources

At Her Medical, we understand the value of culturally appropriate resources in empowering patients to make informed decisions about their health. This page is dedicated to providing links to trusted medical resources tailored to diverse cultural needs.


At Her Medical, we understand the value of culturally appropriate resources in empowering patients to make informed decisions about their health. This page is dedicated to providing links to trusted medical resources tailored to diverse cultural needs. We also have patient information brochures in clinic translated into 8 common languages.

Culturally Appropriate Medical Resources

These resources are here to support you in accessing the most relevant and meaningful healthcare information. If you have specific needs or questions, please don’t hesitate to discuss them with your GP.

Practice Policies

Email Policy


This email policy is to provide information on how we manage privacy and security via email communications. This email policy is adapted from and in accordance with RACGP 5th Edition standards and AHPRA guidelines.

General practices are increasingly receiving requests to be sent electronically because of this method of communicating, the Australian Privacy Principles published by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner state that: “Health information is regarded as one of the most sensitive types of personal information and for this reason, the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) provides extra protection around its handling”.

The Privacy Act defines health information as information or an opinion about:

  •  The health or a disability (at any time) of an individual; or 
  •  An individual’s expressed wishes about the future provision of health services to him or her; or 
  •  A health service provided, or to be provided, to an individual; that is also personal information; or
  •  Other personal information collected to provide, or in providing, a health service; or
  •  Other personal information about an individual collected in connection with the donation, or intended donation, by the individual of his or her body parts, organs or body substances; or
  •  Genetic information about an individual in a form that is, or could be, predictive of the health of the individual or a genetic relative of the individual.


As all health information is sensitive by nature, all communication of health information, including via electronic means, must adequately protect the patient’s privacy. Her Medical takes reasonable steps to make communication of health information adequately safe and secure. GPs, health providers and patients should be aware of the risks associated with using email in the healthcare environment.


Her Medical considers the obligations under the Privacy Act before the use or disclosure of any health information. The Privacy Act does not describe how a healthcare organization should communicate health information. Any method of communication may be used as long as the organization takes reasonable steps to protect the information transmitted and the privacy of the patient. A failure to take reasonable steps to protect health information may constitute a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and may result in action taken against the organisation by the Australian Privacy Commissioner. What amounts to reasonable steps will depend on the nature of the information and the potential harm that could be caused by unauthorised access to it. The RACGP has developed a matrix to assist practices in determining the level of security required in order to use email in a medical facility for communication.

Her Medical reserves the right to check an individual’s email accounts as a precaution against fraud, viruses, workplace harassment or breaches of confidence by members of the organisation. Inappropriate use of email will be fully investigated and may be grounds for dismissal.

Email configuration

Communication of clinical information to and from healthcare providers is completed from within the medical facility’s software that uses a secure clinical messaging system. The use of medical software means that a record of communication is automatically retained in the patient’s medical record.

Protection against spam: Her Medical uses a spam filtering program.

Encryption of patient information: Server-to-server encryption such as SSL or TLS.

General protection

  • If any information held in email accounts is relied on, follow the download procedure as per practice policy. This will import into a relevant patient file to ensure contents are backed up with the rest of the medical data.
  • Do not download or open any email attachments where the sender is not known to you.
  • Email use that breaches ethical behaviours and/or violates copyright is prohibited.
  • Do not send or forward unsolicited email messages, including the sending of ‘junk mail’ or other advertising material (email spam).
  • Do not use email for broadcast messages on personal, political or non-business matters.

Protection against spam

  • Do not reply to spam mail.
  • Never try to unsubscribe from spam sites.
  • Remain vigilant: do not provide confidential information to an email (especially by return email) no matter how credible the sender’s email seems (e.g. apparent emails from your bank).
  • Use a spam filtering program.

Encryption of patient information

  • All email communications are treated as confidential.
  • When sending confidential patient information data by email, it is best practice to use encryption.
  • Be aware that encrypted files are not automatically checked for viruses. They have to be saved, decrypted and then scanned for viruses before being opened.

Protection against the theft of information

  • There are significant risks of providing confidential information by email: only do so via the internet when the site displays a security lock on the taskbar and with an HTTPS in the web address.
  • Do not inform people of your email password.
  • Be aware of phishing scams requesting login or personal information (these may be via email or telephone).

Email disclaimer

The practice uses an email disclaimer notice on outgoing emails that are affiliated with the practice stating:

“DISCLAIMER: Please Note that any electronic communication could be intercepted or read by someone other than the intended recipient and it is at your discretion for proceeding with electronic communication. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.”

Email correspondence

Email correspondence sent to our website/email address is retained as required by the Public Records Act 2002 and other relevant legislation. Email messages may also be monitored for system troubleshooting and maintenance purposes. Your email address details will not be added to a mailing list (unless requested) or disclosed to a third party unless required by law.

Policy review statement

This privacy policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is in accordance with any changes that may occur.

Privacy & Confidentiality

Her Medical values the patient’s privacy and ensure all staff at all times adhere to the Practice’s Privacy and Confidentiality Policy. Her Medical follow the principles outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 and its Amendment (Sector) Act 2000.


This privacy policy is to provide information to the patient, on how personal information (including health information) is collected and used within the medical facility, and the circumstances in which may be shared with third parties.

Why and when your consent is necessary?

When a patient registers with Her Medical, they are consenting for the GPs (General Practitioners) and necessary staff to access the personal information relating to their healthcare.

Why personal information is collected, used, held and shared?

Her Medical will need to collect personal information in order to provide healthcare services. The main purpose for collecting, using, holding, and sharing personal information is to manage the patient’s health. Use for related business activities, financial claims, payments, practice audits and accreditation, along with business processes (e.g., staff training).

What personal information is collected?

The information collected includes:

  • Names, date of birth, addresses, contact details
  • Medical information including medical history, medications, allergies, adverse events, immunisations, social history, family history and risk factors
  • Medicare number (where available) for identification and claiming purposes
  • Healthcare identifiers
  • Health fund details

Dealing with us anonymously

Patients have the right to deal anonymously or under a pseudonym, unless it is impracticable or unless it is required or authorised by law to only deal with identified individuals.

How personal information is collected?

Her Medical practice may collect personal information in several separate ways.

  • When first appointments with Her Medical are made, staff will collect personal and demographic information via registration.
  • During the provision of medical services, further personal information may be collected. Information can also be collected through electronic My Health Records.
  • Her Medical may also collect personal information when the website is visited, an email is sent, via SMS, or over the telephone, make an online appointment or communicate through social media.
  • In some circumstances, personal information may also be collected from other sources. This may include information from:
  • Guardians or responsible person
  • Other involved healthcare providers
  • Health fund, Medicare, or the Department of Veterans Affairs (as necessary).

When, why and with whom is personal information shared?

Personal information is sometimes shared with:

  • Third parties who work within the facility for business purposes
  • With other healthcare providers
  • When it is required or authorised by law (e.g., court subpoenas)
  • When it is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to a patient’s life, health or safety or public health, or when it is impractical to obtain the patient’s consent
  • To assist in locating a missing person
  • To establish, exercise or defend an equitable claim
  • For the purpose of a confidential dispute resolution process
  • When there is a statutory requirement to share certain personal information (e.g., some diseases require mandatory notification)
  • While providing medical services, through My Health Record (e.g., via Shared Health Summary, Event Summary). Her Medical participates in my health record services.
  • Only people who need to access personal information will be able to do so. Other than in the course of providing medical services or as otherwise described in this policy, Her Medical will not share personal information with any third party without the patient’s consent. Her Medical will not share personal information with anyone outside Australia (unless under exceptional circumstances that are permitted by law).

Her Medical will not use personal information for marketing goods or services directly without your consent. Patients may opt out of direct marketing at any time after consent by notifying the practice in writing.

How do we store and protect your personal information?

Personal information may be stored at our practice in various forms. Our practice stores all personal information securely, in a protected information system, and in hard copy format in a secure offsite environment.

How can you access and correct your personal information at our practice?

Patients have the right to request access to, and correction of, their personal information.

Her Medical acknowledges patients may request access to their medical records. We require you to put this request in writing and with a signed consent to our practice will respond within a reasonable time, and there may be an administration fee to prepare and comply with your request.

Her Medical will take reasonable steps to correct your personal information where the information is not accurate or up to date. From time to time, staff will ask to verify that personal information held by the medical facility is correct and current. Patients may also request to correct or update their information and should make such requests in writing to the practice manager.

How can you lodge a privacy-related complaint, and how will the complaint be handled at our practice?

Her Medical take complaints and concerns regarding privacy seriously. You should express any privacy concerns you may have in writing. We will then attempt to resolve it in accordance with our resolution procedure.

You can contact: The practice manager at Her Medical

You may make an application to the Australian information commissioner or the Privacy Commissioner.

This privacy policy is reviewed regularly to ensure it is in accordance with any changes that may occur. We will notify our patients when we amend this policy.

Managing Your Health Information

Our goal is to ensure that your information is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

Our practice will take reasonable steps to correct your personal information therefore reception will ask you to verify that your personal information held by our practice is correct and up-to-date. To assist us with this, please let us know if any of the details you have provided have changed especially your contact telephone numbers, address, and your emergency contact information.

The storage, use and, where necessary, transfer of personal health information will be undertaken in a secure manner that protects patient privacy. We will take appropriate measures to protect electronic materials stored and generated in hard copy. It is necessary for medical practices to keep patient information after a patient’s last attendance for as long as required by law or is prudent having regard to administrative requirements.

The doctors in this practice respect your right to decide how your personal health information is used or disclosed. In all but exceptional circumstances, personal information that identifies you will be sent to other people only with your consent. Gaining your consent is the guiding principle that we adhere to.

Consultations are confidential

All consultations are confidential. Not only is this true for adults but also for young people who attend. We protect your privacy and treat all patient information including health and financial details as private and confidential and ensure that this information is only available to authorised personnel.

Her Medical takes its obligations under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 seriously and takes all reasonable steps to comply and protect the privacy of all concerned.

Collection of Information

The information we collect from you is purely for the purpose of providing optimal care, so that we may properly assess, diagnose, and treat your illnesses properly and be proactive in your healthcare needs. Information we collect may include your contact details and personal medical history. Some information we collect is to comply with our legal obligations.

This means we may use and disclose the information you provide in the following ways:

  • Administrative purposes, plus disclosure to others involved in your healthcare, as well as for scripts, referrals, reports, and tests by nurses, doctors, and specialists within and outside this Medical Practice.
  • By law, doctors are sometimes required to disclose information for public interest reasons e.g. mandatory reporting of communicable diseases.
  • As part of the practice’s national state and territory recall and reminder systems relevant to your healthcare e.g. Pap Smear Registry, Bowel Cancer Registry, Australian Immunisation Registry (AIR)
  • Assisting with training and education of other health professionals. You will be informed when such activities are being conducted and your involvement will only take place if you provide express consent to your medical practitioner for each program.
  • Data may be used in research and quality assurance activities to improve individual and Community Health Care and Practice Management. This may occur when our practice incorporates patient health records into de-identifiable patient information to transfer to a third party. De-identifiable patient information cannot be traced back to the individual.
  • IF your information is to be used for any other purpose other than set out above, your further consent will be obtained.

You can decline to have your health information used as outlined above, but it may influence our ability to manage your health care to provide the best outcome for you.

3-Point ID Check at each interaction

We are obligated by law to ensure that we have the correct patient in front of us. We will ask you to verify 3-points of ID when you are booking your appointment over the phone and when you arrive at the clinic. We may ask you to verify your name, date of birth, mobile number, or address at each interaction.

Access to Health Records Policy

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to always maintain security of your personal health information and ensure this information is only available to authorised personnel. We are legally required to preserve your privacy and can only disclose information about you to a third part with your written permission or request, unless required by law.

Patients of our practice have a right to access their personal health information under the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000. A fee will be charged for the doctor’s time spent perusing the notes or explaining them directly to the patient, or rewriting incomprehensible records, in accordance with fees suggested within the Records Act and the Health Records Regulations or Freedom of Information legislation. These charges cannot be claimed on Medicare or Health Funds.

Patients may request in writing for their health records to be transferred to a GP at another practice. Health Summary will be forwarded free of charge upon receiving a valid signed authority.

Access to medical records may be denied if:

  • The request does not relate to the personal information of the person making the request
  • Providing access would pose a serious and imminent threat to life or health of a person
  • Providing access would create an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others.
  • The request relates to legal proceedings between Her Medical and you.
  • Providing access would prejudice negotiations with the individual making the request; Access would be unlawful; Denial of access is authorised or required by law; Access would prejudice law enforcement activities.
  • Access discloses a ‘commercially sensitive’ decision-making process or information; or
  • The rights of children to the privacy of their health information, based on the professional judgement of the doctor and consistent with the law, might restrict access to the child’s information by parents or guardians.

Appointment Cancellation Policy

Her Medical understands unplanned issues arise outside of one’s control, and cancellation of the appointment is required.

Please ensure that if an appointment has been scheduled, and you are unable to attend, please cancel at least 2 hours in advance as appointments are in high demand. Nonattendance or failure to cancel within 2 hours will result in a cancellation fee which will be required to be settled prior to the booking of further questions.

Psychology and long or complex consultations require deposits which will be retained as cancellation fees if appointments are cancelled at short notice, or you fail to attend.

Suspected or diagnosed Flu or COVID

At Her Medical, we prioritise the health and safety of our patients and staff, particularly as many who visit us are more vulnerable to severe complications from contagious illnesses. For this reason, we are not an acute care facility, which means that if you’re experiencing symptoms that may indicate a contagious illness, such as the flu, COVID-19, or RSV, we ask that you don’t attend the clinic in person. Here’s what this means for you:

  1. If you have flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, or shortness of breath, please assume that it could be flu, COVID-19, or RSV. We ask that you avoid coming in for a face-to-face appointment to minimise any risk of transmission to other patients or our staff.
  2. Telehealth consultations are available to help you manage symptoms, receive advice, and get any necessary prescriptions from the comfort of your home. This option allows us to continue caring for you while prioritising the wellbeing of everyone at the clinic.
  3. We do not provide acute or emergency care. If your symptoms worsen or if you feel very unwell, we recommend going to  where they can provide immediate, hands-on treatment suited to your needs.
  4. Testing Positive for COVID-19, Flu, or RSV: If you have a confirmed positive test, please avoid coming to the clinic. Book a telehealth appointment to discuss your symptoms and receive any needed medical guidance remotely.

Communication Policy

At Her Medical, we ensure timely and clear communication with our patients. Non-urgent calls are returned within one business day, and electronic messages are answered within two business days. For urgent matters, we provide immediate assistance during office hours. Your privacy is our priority.

C.1.1 Communication Policy

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