
Welcome to Her Medical Media & Events!

Here you will find what events Her Medical support throughout each month of the year along with exclusive offers and where media outlets can contact us for interviews, images, write-ups and feature articles.

Don’t forget to follow, like and drop a ♥️  on Her Medical  Instagram and Facebook pages @hermedical.official

Monthly Events


Date Event Details
21st - 28th July Birth Trauma Awareness Week: Supporting Women's Health at Her Medical From 21-28 July, Birth Trauma Awareness Week highlights the physical and psychological impacts of birth trauma on mothers. At Her Medical, we understand the importance of compassionate care and support for women experiencing birth trauma. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care, including counselling and medical support, to help mothers navigate their recovery journey. Join us in raising awareness and advocating for better birth experiences for all women. For more resources, visit Birth Trauma Association.
30th July International Day of Friendship: Fostering Connections The International Day of Friendship on 30 July is a reminder of the importance of building strong, supportive relationships. At Her Medical, we believe that a supportive community is essential for women's health and well-being. This day encourages us to reach out to friends, strengthen our bonds, and support each other through life's challenges. Join us in celebrating the power of friendship and fostering a compassionate community where women feel valued and connected. For more details, visit UN International Day of Friendship.


Date Event Details
1st -7th August World Breastfeeding Week: Supporting New Mothers at Her Medical World Breastfeeding Week, celebrated from 1-7 August, emphasises the benefits of breastfeeding for both babies and mothers. At Her Medical, we are committed to providing new mothers with the support and resources they need to successfully breastfeed. Our team of experts offers guidance on breastfeeding techniques, managing common challenges, and creating breastfeeding-friendly environments. Join us in celebrating World Breastfeeding Week and empowering mothers to give their babies the best start in life. For more information, visit World Breastfeeding Week.
4th - 10th August Dental Health Week: Prioritising Oral Health Dental Health Week, from 4-10 August, focuses on the importance of maintaining good oral health. Poor oral health can have significant impacts on overall well-being, particularly for women. At Her Medical, we encourage our patients to adopt good dental habits, including regular check-ups, to prevent dental issues. Join us in Dental Health Week by participating in educational activities and committing to better oral care routines. For more tips and resources, visit Australian Dental Association.
10th-18th August National Science Week: Inspiring Women in Science National Science Week, held from 10-18 August, celebrates the contributions of science and technology to society. At Her Medical, we are inspired by the achievements of women in science and their role in advancing healthcare. This week, we highlight the importance of encouraging young women to pursue careers in science and medicine. Join us in celebrating National Science Week and supporting initiatives that inspire the next generation of female scientists. For event details, visit National Science Week.
August 11th Red Nose Day: Supporting Infant Health at Her Medical Red Nose Day on 11 August is dedicated to raising funds and awareness to save babies’ lives and support bereaved families. At Her Medical, we are committed to promoting safe sleep practices and supporting families through education and resources. Join us in Red Nose Day by participating in local events, raising funds, and spreading awareness about the importance of infant health and safety. For more information, visit Red Nose Australia.
30th August Wear it Purple Day: Celebrating Diversity Wear it Purple Day on 30 August promotes acceptance and inclusion for LGBTIQA+ youth. At Her Medical, we stand with the LGBTIQA+ community and strive to create a welcoming environment for all our patients. This day is an opportunity to show support by wearing purple and participating in events that promote understanding and acceptance. Join us in celebrating Wear it Purple Day and making a positive difference in the lives of young people. For more details, visit Wear it Purple.


Date Event Details
2-6 September Women’s Health Week: Empowering Women at Her Medical Women’s Health Week, from 2-6 September, is dedicated to improving women's health across Australia. At Her Medical, we focus on providing comprehensive care tailored to women's unique health needs. This week, we encourage women to prioritise their health by participating in educational workshops, health checks, and fitness activities. Join us in Women’s Health Week to empower yourself and others to lead healthier, happier lives. For more information, visit Jean Hailes for Women’s Health.
10th September World Suicide Prevention Day: Supporting Mental Health World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September raises awareness about suicide prevention and mental health. At Her Medical, we are dedicated to providing support for women experiencing mental health challenges. This year's theme, "Creating Hope Through Action," encourages us to take proactive steps to support those in need. Join us in participating in local events, sharing resources, and fostering open conversations about mental health. Together, we can make a difference. For more resources, visit World Health Organization.
September 12th R U OK? Day: Checking In on Women's Mental Health R U OK? Day on 12 September is a national day of action dedicated to encouraging meaningful conversations and supporting those who may be struggling. At Her Medical, we understand the importance of mental health and encourage our patients to regularly check in with friends, family, and colleagues. By fostering open communication, we can help those in need and build stronger, more supportive communities. Take a moment on R U OK? Day to start a conversation and make a difference. For more information, visit R U OK?.

Media and Advertising Enquiries

Write-ups, Stories & Feature articles

All journalists or media agencies wanting to do a write-up or feature article please contact to further discuss the content and topic of the write-up and article, which publication this will appear in, and book a suitable date and time to meet.



All journalists and media outlets wanting to do a private interview with one of Her Medical onsite General Practitioners, please contact to further discuss and book a date and time.

Once the date is booked, and at the doctor’s discretion, you may be required to submit any questions involving the topic of discussion prior to the interview for the doctor to review.

Advertising Opportunities

Her Medical has teamed up with digital services to provide advertising opportunities on the external digital billboard situated on Ferry Road, directly in front of the Her Medical facility. This prime location offers vendors maximum visibility on a busy, high-traffic road. With over 40,000 cars passing by daily, Ferry Road is a well-known route on the Gold Coast.

What sets this billboard apart from other digital billboards around the Gold Coast is its exclusivity to the medical and wellbeing industry.

For more details and to request a media kit, please contact us: to further discuss.

Disclaimer: Her Medical Services, the owners and operators of this digital advertising billboard, are an independent entity separate from Her Medical General Practice. Tenant practitioners have no affiliation with or endorsement of the products and services advertised on this billboard. For any discussions or inquiries related to Her Medical, please contact the practice manager, Melinda Kaka. This disclaimer is provided to ensure transparency and clarity in compliance with TGA and RACGP standards.