A healthy sustainable result with medical intervention

At Her Medical, we primarily serve women who are committed to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Our dedicated team focuses on identifying specific triggers and medical challenges that impact weight management, considering both mental and physical health aspects. We assess each patient’s unique needs and tailor personalised plans to support their weight management journey, ensuring holistic and effective care.

Her Medical weight management plans give healthy and sustainable results

her MEDICAL will provide medically supervised, safe and effective weight management plans for:

  • Chronic weight problem
  • BMI is above or below the normal range
  • Medical conditions related to obesity
  • The consideration for bariatric surgery

Her Medical weight management plans are  individualised plans according to the patient’s circumstances optimising and assisting in the management of chronic health conditions resulting from weight issues.

Our Practitioners with special interests and expertise in weight management

Dr Elizabeth Colebourne brings extensive experience in weight management to Her Medical. Her expertise lies in identifying and addressing the unique factors that affect each patient’s weight journey, including underlying medical conditions and lifestyle influences. By seeing Dr Colebourne, patients benefit from her personalised approach, evidence-based strategies, and compassionate care. She is dedicated to empowering women to achieve their health goals, improve their overall well-being, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Dr Vladana is an expert in weight management at Her Medical. With a deep understanding of the complexities of weight control, she specialises in identifying individual triggers and health issues that impact weight. Dr Vladana’s approach is both holistic and tailored, focusing on creating customised 3 part plans that address each patient’s specific needs. Her dedication to helping patients achieve sustainable weight loss and overall well-being makes her a valuable asset to those seeking to improve their health and lifestyle.

Dr. Vladana O'Neill's Expertise in Weight Management and Her Innovative 3-Part Weight Loss Program

Dr. Vladana O’Neill is an experienced general practitioner with a special interest and extensive expertise in weight management. Her dedication to improving patient health and her in-depth understanding of the complexities of weight loss have led her to develop an innovative and effective three-part weight loss program.

Special Interest and Skills in Weight Management: Dr. O’Neill has dedicated significant time and effort to advancing her knowledge and skills in weight management. She understands that weight loss is not merely about reducing numbers on a scale but involves a holistic approach addressing physical, emotional, and psychological factors. Her approach is evidence-based, utilising the latest research and best practices in nutrition, exercise, and behavioural change.

Dr. O’Neill’s special interest in weight management is reflected in her comprehensive and empathetic approach to patient care. She recognises the unique challenges each individual faces and tailors her strategies to meet their specific needs. Her skills in motivational interviewing, personalised diet planning, and lifestyle modification are instrumental in helping her patients achieve sustainable weight loss and improved overall health.

Dr. Vladana O’Neill’s 3-part weight loss program is designed to be holistic, supportive, and highly personalised. Her expertise in weight management and her compassionate approach make her a trusted partner in the journey towards healthier living. Through her innovative program, Dr. O’Neill empowers patients to achieve their weight loss goals and enjoy lasting improvements in their overall well-being.

Book a consultation with Dr Elizabeth Colebourne today!

Dr Vladana O'Neill 3 Part Weight Loss Program

Book your initial consultation now with Dr Vladana O'Neill