Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen, below the belly button, and between the hip bones. While pelvic pain can have various causes, including menstrual cramps, it may be indicative of endometriosis if it is severe, persistent, or interferes with daily activities, especially during menstruation or intercourse. Other symptoms that may suggest endometriosis include heavy menstrual bleeding, pain during bowel movements or urination, and infertility. If you experience pelvic pain that is severe or persistent, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider for evaluation and appropriate management.


Endometriosis occurs when tissue resembling the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, typically on organs in the pelvic area like the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the outer surface of the uterus. This tissue responds to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, causing inflammation, pain, and the formation of scar tissue. Common symptoms include pelvic pain, painful periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, pain during intercourse, and infertility. It's a chronic condition that can significantly impact a person's quality of life, but treatment options are available to manage symptoms and improve fertility.


Endometriosis is typically diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and imaging tests. However, the definitive diagnosis is usually made through laparoscopic surgery, a minimally invasive procedure where a thin tube with a camera is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen to view the pelvic organs directly. During this procedure, the surgeon can visualize any endometrial tissue growths and take tissue samples for biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

Imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI may also be used to detect endometriosis-associated abnormalities, but they are not always conclusive. Medical history, including a description of symptoms such as pelvic pain, painful periods, and infertility, along with a physical examination, can help guide the diagnosis and determine the need for further testing or referral to a specialist.

Pelvic Pain Questionnaire

Endo Clinic Patient Symptom Form

Expected Costs

An Endometriosis care plan is completely covered by the medicare benefits schedule and there are no out of pocket costs to patients referred by their GP for care plans.
Other costs are likely to be incurred outside of our practice. We have no control over such costs. Some examples are Specialists such as gynaecologists, urologists, endocrinologists etc will have their own private fees, often with a Medicare rebate. The fees are likely to be higher if a procedure is performed, Exercise physiologist, Pain Psychologists, Counsellor, Urologist, or Colorectal Surgeon.
Blood tests – most pathology providers bulk bill these

Normal Pelvic Ultrasound (estimate only - please check with providers)

Consultation Fee Medicare Rebate Out of Pocket
US General $185.00 $90.00 $180.00

Deep Endometriosis Ultrasound (estimate only - please check with providers)

Consultation Fee Medicare Rebate Out of Pocket
US Deep $500.00 $90.00 $180.00

Psychologist (estimate only - please check with providers)

Consultation Fee Medicare Rebate Out of Pocket
Standard $220.00 $93.35 $126.65

Women's Physiotherapy (estimate only - please check with providers)

Consultation Fee Medicare Rebate Out of Pocket
Standard $150.00

Her Medical Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis Clinic

What is a GPMP (General Practitioner Management Plan) for Endometriosis

A GPMP (General Practitioner Management Plan) for endometriosis is a structured approach to managing the condition in collaboration with your general practitioner (GP). It typically involves:

  1. Assessment: Your GP will assess your symptoms, medical history, and any previous treatments for endometriosis.
  2. Goal Setting: Together with your GP, you’ll establish goals for managing your endometriosis, such as reducing pain, improving quality of life, and optimizing fertility if desired.
  3. Treatment Plan: Your GP will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs, which may include pain management strategies, hormonal therapy, lifestyle modifications, and referrals to specialists such as gynecologists or pain management specialists.
  4. Monitoring and Review: Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress, adjust treatments as needed, and address any concerns or new symptoms that arise.
  5. Education and Support: Your GP will provide you with information about endometriosis, including its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. They may also offer support resources and referrals to support groups or counselors for additional assistance.

Overall, a GPMP for endometriosis aims to empower you to actively participate in managing your condition and optimize your overall health and well-being.

What is a TCA (Team Care Arrangement) for Endometriosis

A TCA (Team Care Arrangement) for endometriosis involves coordinated care between your general practitioner (GP) and other healthcare professionals to manage the condition comprehensively. It typically includes:

  1. General Practitioner (GP): Your GP acts as the primary coordinator of your care. They assess your symptoms, provide ongoing medical management, and coordinate referrals to other healthcare providers as needed.
  2. Specialist(s): Your GP may refer you to specialists such as gynecologists, pain management specialists, or fertility specialists for further evaluation and treatment of endometriosis-related symptoms or complications.
  3. Allied Health Professionals: Depending on your individual needs, your GP may involve allied health professionals such as physiotherapists, psychologists, or dietitians to provide additional support and services to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
  4. Treatment Plan: The TCA outlines a structured treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, which may include medication management, surgical interventions, pain management strategies, and allied health interventions.
  5. Coordination and Communication: Your GP communicates with the other members of the healthcare team to ensure that all aspects of your care are coordinated and integrated. This may involve sharing medical information, treatment updates, and recommendations among the team members.

Overall, a TCA for endometriosis aims to provide holistic and coordinated care to optimize your health outcomes, improve symptom management, and enhance your overall quality of life.

Who conducts the GPMP, TCA or Reviews?

The clinic nurse will play a vital role in conducting both the GPMP (General Practitioner Management Plan) and TCA (Team Care Arrangement) in coordination with your treating doctor. Their involvement ensures a comprehensive and coordinated approach to managing your endometriosis.

Here’s how the clinic nurse’s role typically unfolds:

  1. Assessment and Documentation: The clinic nurse will first assess your current health status, symptoms, and treatment needs. They will gather relevant medical history and information to inform the development of both the GPMP and TCA.
  2. Collaboration with Treating Doctor: The clinic nurse works closely with your treating doctor to develop and finalize both plans. They collaborate to ensure that the plans align with your individual needs, goals, and preferences.
  3. Patient Education and Engagement: The clinic nurse educates you about the purpose and components of both the GPMP and TCA. They ensure that you understand the importance of these plans in managing your endometriosis effectively and encourage your active participation in the process.
  4. Implementation and Monitoring: Once the plans are established, the clinic nurse assists in implementing them by scheduling appointments, coordinating referrals to specialists or allied health professionals, and facilitating access to necessary resources and support services. They also monitor your progress and adherence to the plans over time.
  5. Communication and Coordination: The clinic nurse serves as a central point of contact between you, your treating doctor, and other members of the healthcare team involved in your care. They facilitate communication, share updates, and ensure that all providers are informed about your current status and treatment strategies.

Overall, the clinic nurse’s involvement ensures that both the GPMP and TCA are effectively implemented, monitored, and adjusted as needed to support your holistic management of endometriosis. Their coordination with your treating doctor enhances the quality and continuity of care you receive.


Why is it important to review a GPMP or a TCA

Reviewing both a TCA (Team Care Arrangement) and a GPMP (General Practitioner Management Plan) for endometriosis is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Assessment of Progress: Regular reviews allow healthcare providers to assess your progress in managing endometriosis and achieving the goals outlined in both plans. This evaluation helps determine if the current treatment approach is effective or if adjustments are needed.
  2. Optimization of Treatment: By reviewing both plans, healthcare providers can identify any gaps or areas for improvement in the management of endometriosis. This may involve refining medication regimens, exploring additional treatment options, or addressing unmet needs in allied health support.
  3. Coordination of Care: Endometriosis often requires multidisciplinary care involving various healthcare professionals. Reviewing both plans ensures that all members of the healthcare team are informed about your current status, treatment strategies, and any changes in your condition, facilitating coordinated and integrated care.
  4. Patient-Centered Care: Regular reviews provide opportunities for patients to discuss their experiences, concerns, and preferences with their healthcare providers. This patient-centered approach allows for shared decision-making and ensures that the management of endometriosis aligns with the individual needs and goals of the patient.
  5. Monitoring for Complications: Endometriosis can lead to complications such as infertility, pelvic adhesions, and chronic pain. Regular reviews allow healthcare providers to monitor for these complications, intervene early if necessary, and provide appropriate support and management strategies.

Overall, reviewing both a TCA and a GPMP for endometriosis is essential for optimizing treatment outcomes, ensuring coordinated care, and addressing the evolving needs of patients with this complex condition.

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