
“Supporting cancer care as a team approach”

An allied health team plays a critical role in supporting individuals with cancer throughout their journey, from diagnosis to treatment and survivorship. This multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals collaborates to address various aspects of cancer care, providing holistic support to patients and their families. Here are some members of the allied health team that can support people with cancer:

Oncologist: Medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and surgical oncologists are medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating cancer. They design and oversee cancer treatment plans.

Oncology Nurse: Oncology nurses provide direct patient care, administer treatments, monitor side effects, and offer education and support to cancer patients.

Palliative Care Specialist: Palliative care specialists focus on managing symptoms, pain, and improving quality of life for individuals with cancer. They provide support throughout the cancer journey, regardless of the stage of the disease.

Registered Dietitian or Nutritionist: Dietitians can provide nutritional guidance to manage the side effects of cancer treatment, maintain adequate nutrition, and support overall well-being.

Social Worker: Social workers offer emotional support, connect patients to resources, and address psychosocial concerns for both patients and their families.

Psychologist or Counselor: Psychologists or counselors provide emotional and psychological support, coping strategies, and therapy to help individuals manage the emotional challenges of cancer.

Physiotherapist (Physical Therapist): Physiotherapists can assist with managing physical symptoms, improving mobility, and addressing issues like fatigue and pain.

Occupational Therapist: Occupational therapists help individuals with cancer adapt their daily activities and routines, regain independence, and improve overall functioning.

Speech-Language Pathologist: Speech-language pathologists can address speech and swallowing difficulties that may arise due to cancer treatment.

Pharmacist: Pharmacists can review medications, manage drug interactions, and provide education about cancer medications and their potential side effects.

Complementary and Alternative Therapists: Some individuals may explore complementary therapies, such as acupuncture or relaxation techniques, to complement cancer treatment. Complementary and alternative therapists can provide guidance in exploring these approaches.

Genetic Counselor: Genetic counselors assess the risk of hereditary cancer and provide counseling for individuals and families with a history of cancer.

Rehabilitation Specialist: Rehabilitation specialists can assist with physical and functional recovery after cancer treatment or surgery.


The collaborative efforts of these allied health professionals, alongside oncologists and other medical specialists, are essential in providing comprehensive and personalized care for people with cancer. By addressing the physical, emotional, and psychosocial aspects of cancer care, the allied health team plays a crucial role in supporting patients throughout their cancer journey.

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