The team at offers care and support to ease the effects of your chronic disease and improve the quality of your health outcomes

The number one priority for Her Medical is to assist patients to live longer and healthier lives. Chronic disease management plans are an integral part of Her Medical’s commitment to achieving better health outcomes for patients.

Her Medical utilises Chronic Disease Management Plans as an effective strategy to assist in providing the best care to patients suffering from chronic medical conditions. Experiencing chronic conditions can affect the quality of life on many levels. Her Medical’s goal is to help manage health with team support to optimise overall health and wellbeing.

Chronic Disease Management Plan eligibility

A GP Managment Plan aims to create a structured and personalised approach to healthcare for a chronic disease to enable coordination of complex chronic conditions requiring ongoing care from a multidisciplinary.

*Chronic disease is defined as a condition that has been present or is likely to be present for 6 months or longer.


A chronic medical condition is one that has been present for at least six months or longer, such as:

  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Stroke

Additional Assessment Plans targeting specific demographics include:

45–49-Year Old Health Assessment

Staying healthy is especially important once the 40s are reached. Her Medical recommends that most healthy people in their 40s should get health checks at regular intervals.

Every 2 years:
  • Heart disease risk assessment
  • Blood pressure check
  • Eye test
Every 3 years:
  • Blood glucose test
Every 5 years:
  • Cholesterol and lipids tested
  • Cervical screening test
  • Skin cancer checks
  • Dental check-ups


75 Years and Older Health Assessment

A health assessment of an elderly person (75 years and over) is an in-depth review of their health status.  This assessment enables doctors to identify health issues and conditions that are potentially preventable or responsive to interventions in order to improve health and overall quality of life.

Specific components of the health assessment for the elderly include:

  • Measurement of blood pressure, pulse rate and rhythm
  • Assessment of medication
  • Assessment of continence
  • Assessment of immunisation status for influenza, tetanus and pneumococcus
  • Assessment of physical function, including activities of daily living
  • Assessment of psychological function, including cognitive and mood
  • Assessment of social function

The health professional undertaking the health assessment may also consider:

  • Any need for community services
  • Social isolation
  • Oral health and dentition
  • Nutrition status

Book your appointment today!