From baby to teens and in-betweens

Childhood is a time of rapid growth and development. Paediatric check-ups are strongly recommended to screen for medical development issues. This is so that preventative actions can be taken to either stop the development of certain medical conditions or address them quickly to reach a better outcome for the child. Regular visits to monitor your child’s developmental milestones are one of the most important things you can do to keep your child healthy, and at the same time provide you with the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about their progress.

The onsite doctors at Her Medical provide vaccinations at the appropriate ages as well as screening for developmental milestones.

Both parents are encouraged and are welcome to be a part of every baby/child visit.

Urgent Care

When you have concerns for your child’s health but don’t have an appointment, the doctors practicing at Her Medical offer urgent care without an appointment.

Through the years...

Well child visits

Prevention is embedded within everything Her Medical does because it promotes healthy growth and development for your child.

For this reason, Her Medical has developed scheduled visits that are recommended for your child to attend, generally around the time of significant developmental milestones in your child’s journey.

These visits also allow parents to raise and discuss any issues of concern regarding their child’s health or development.

The preventative idea is that the onsite doctors do not want to see your child just when they are unwell, but as much as possible to see them when they are well!

Regular check-ups are structured around your child’s progress and focus on:

  • General health
  • Growth and development
  • Assessing existing medical conditions
  • Address health concern

Be proactive about your health. Book an appointment today.