World Health Calendar Dates

Raising Awareness During Birth Trauma Awareness Week: A Commitment to Compassionate Care

From July 21-28, we observe Birth Trauma Awareness Week, a vital period dedicated to shedding light on the profound physical and psychological impacts birth trauma can have on mothers. At Her Medical, we are deeply committed to recognising and addressing the challenges faced by women who have experienced birth trauma. This week serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of compassionate care and the need for comprehensive support systems to aid in the recovery journey of affected mothers.

Understanding Birth Trauma

Birth trauma can manifest in various forms, ranging from physical injuries during childbirth to psychological distress caused by traumatic birth experiences. These experiences can have long-lasting effects on a mother’s mental health, impacting her ability to bond with her baby and affecting her overall well-being. The physical consequences may include complications from delivery, while the psychological impacts can lead to conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.

The Importance of Advocacy and Awareness

Raising awareness about birth trauma is crucial in promoting better birth experiences for all women. By advocating for more comprehensive and empathetic care, we can work towards reducing the incidence of birth trauma and improving the support systems available to affected mothers. Birth Trauma Awareness Week is an opportunity for healthcare providers, policymakers, and the broader community to come together in support of this important cause.

How You Can Get Involved

Join us in raising awareness and advocating for better birth experiences by:

  • Educating Yourself and Others: Learn about the signs and effects of birth trauma, and share this knowledge with your community to increase awareness.
  • Supporting Affected Mothers: Offer a listening ear, provide practical support, and encourage affected mothers to seek professional help.
  • Advocating for Change: Support policies and initiatives aimed at improving maternity care and ensuring all mothers have access to comprehensive post-birth support.

For more resources and information on birth trauma, visit the Birth Trauma Association, an organisation dedicated to supporting those affected and advocating for better birth experiences.


Birth Trauma Awareness Week is a reminder of the ongoing need to support mothers through their recovery journeys with empathy and comprehensive care. At Her Medical, we are dedicated to providing the necessary support and resources to help women heal and thrive after experiencing birth trauma. Together, we can create a more compassionate and supportive environment for all mothers.

Join us in raising awareness and advocating for better birth experiences for all women.

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